





The ASVSA Association for research on Viable Systems was created with the aim of disseminating the results of research and stimulate the interest and participation of an increasing number of researchers attracted and intrigued by the conceptual trends of Viable System Approach and more generally of systems thinking.

Memorandum and articles of the Association

Why can't Vegans eat almonds?

The fine print of foods suitable for vegans could hide traps about their origin, which would stop making them ethically and environmentally suitable
The world of foods suitable for vegans and vegetarians is becoming larger and more diverse, something that both are grateful for, without forgetting those individuals who try to improve their diet by alternating or substituting animal products and derivatives for this other type of diet., without becoming strict vegetarians or vegans. It is what today is known as “flexitarians”, the previous intermediate step where we try to reduce more and more meat consumption, as we already explained at the time in Cocinillas.
As we also explained, there are many types of vegetarians. It is not something as simple as stopping eating meat and fish, without more. In fact, the range between being vegetarian and becoming vegan is also wide and diverse, depending on the foods that are allowed to consume. Among all the varieties, it can be said that the ovolactovegetarians are the best known; that is, those individuals who do not consume meat or fish, but do consume derivatives such as eggs, milk, cheeses, yogurts and other lactic derivatives.
Foods suitable for vegans, under review
Ultimately, there are foods suitable for vegans, which do not consume any type of animal product or its derivatives, and in their case possible animal suffering is taken into account to produce both food and clothing.
The problem comes when this definition is carried to the end. That is to say, when you monitor with a magnifying glass how the different foods suitable for vegans have been made, as they may seem so at first glance, but if you investigate a little more about their origin there would be some other "trap”.
This is the case of avocados and almonds, as a video of the BBC QI contest showed. In this contest they asked if avocados, almonds, melon and kiwi are suitable foods for vegans, and the correct answer was "none".
The reality is that, I repeat, always in the case of being very strict, both avocados and almonds would imply animal suffering. In this case, it would be bees, which are not only used commercially to make honey, but also serve as pollinators for almond and avocado orchards. This is migratory beekeeping, a method in which large beehives are transported on the back of trucks from farm to farm as “portable pollinators.". This method is used in some parts of the United States, such as California, due to the lack of enough bees or other pollinating insects in the area, as the BBC itself reported in an article at the time.
Therefore, since strict vegans avoid honey given the exploitation of bees, theoretically avocados and almonds should be avoided as well. Although, on the other hand, some might suggest that this argument is nothing more than a reduction to the absurdity of strict vegan eating.
One of the more common CBD oil benefits is pain relief. Just recently, scientists have discovered that specific elements of marijuana, consisting of CBD, are responsible for its pain-relieving results. The human body consists of a specialized system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is involved in managing a range of functions including sleep, appetite, pain and body immune system reaction. The body produces endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system.
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