





The ASVSA Association for research on Viable Systems was created with the aim of disseminating the results of research and stimulate the interest and participation of an increasing number of researchers attracted and intrigued by the conceptual trends of Viable System Approach and more generally of systems thinking.

Memorandum and articles of the Association
Hey everyone! So, I've been playing Valorant for a while now on my primary account. I've earned some decent ranks and rewards over time. However, I recently stumbled upon some high-tier accounts with exceptional skins, agents, and weapons that are up for grabs. I'm contemplating getting one of those instead of grinding further on my current one. Anyone here made a switch like this? Is it worth the investment or just stick with what I have?
Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, September 09 2023, 02:26 PM - #Permalink
    Hi Pat!I faced a similar situation a few months back. Yes, those premium accounts with can be tempting with all the fancy gear and unlocks. I got one, and it was exhilarating for a while. But, remember, part of the joy of Valorant is the journey, not just the destination. It's a personal choice, but if you're in for the gameplay and the growth, I'd say stick to your current one and grind. On the other hand, if you're more into the collection aspect and showcasing, then going for a premium account might be worth it. Just weigh the pros and cons!
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