





The ASVSA Association for research on Viable Systems was created with the aim of disseminating the results of research and stimulate the interest and participation of an increasing number of researchers attracted and intrigued by the conceptual trends of Viable System Approach and more generally of systems thinking.

Memorandum and articles of the Association
Yes, there are specialised payment gateways that cater to high-risk businesses. High-risk businesses typically face a higher likelihood of chargebacks, fraud, or regulatory issues, which can make it challenging to find traditional payment processors willing to work with them. Specialised high risk payment gateway are designed to meet the unique needs of such businesses. Here are some characteristics of these gateways:
1. Risk Mitigation: High-risk payment gateways often have advanced fraud detection and prevention mechanisms in place to help minimise chargebacks and fraudulent transactions.
2. Regulatory Compliance: They are well-versed in the regulations and compliance requirements that high-risk industries must adhere to, such as the gambling, adult entertainment, or CBD industries.
3. Customised Solutions: These gateways may offer tailored solutions and pricing structures that suit the specific needs of high-risk businesses, including high transaction volume allowances and chargeback management tools.
4. Global Reach: Many high-risk businesses operate internationally, and specialised payment gateways for high-risk often have the ability to process payments from customers around the world.
5. Diverse Payment Options: They may provide a wide range of payment options to accommodate the preferences of customers, which can help boost conversion rates.
6. Experience: These gateways have experience working with businesses in high-risk sectors and understand the unique challenges they face.
7. Fast Payouts: They may offer faster payout options to ensure high-risk businesses have access to their funds quickly.
8. 24/7 Customer Support: Given the potential for unexpected issues, many high-risk payment gateways provide round-the-clock customer support.
It's important for high-risk businesses to do their due diligence when selecting a specialised payment gateway. Here are some considerations:
1. Compliance: Ensure the gateway understands and complies with the specific regulations and industry requirements related to your business.
2. Cost: Understand the fee structure, including any setup fees, transaction fees, and chargeback fees, and compare them to determine the most cost-effective option.
3. Reputation: Look for reviews and testimonials to assess the reliability and reputation of the high-risk payment processing provider.
4. Integration: Check if the gateway integrates with your e-commerce platform or business systems.
5. Scalability: Consider whether the gateway can scale with your business as it grows.
6. Security: Ensure that the payment gateway employs robust security measures to protect sensitive customer data.
In the context of specialised payment gateways for high-risk businesses, WebPays is a prominent name that deserves consideration. WebPays specialises in providing payment processing solutions for high-risk industries and offers a range of services tailored to the unique needs of such businesses.
WebPays is known for its expertise in mitigating risk, managing chargebacks, and ensuring compliance with industry-specific regulations. They offer customised solutions, diverse payment options, and fast payout capabilities to support high-risk businesses in various sectors.
When selecting a specialised payment gateway for your high-risk business, it's advisable to explore your options, including WebPays, and assess how their offerings align with your specific needs and objectives. By choosing a reputable and experienced payment gateway like WebPays, you can effectively address the challenges associated with high-risk industries while providing a secure and seamless payment experience for your customers.
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    Monday, October 30 2023, 06:54 AM - #Permalink
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