





The ASVSA Association for research on Viable Systems was created with the aim of disseminating the results of research and stimulate the interest and participation of an increasing number of researchers attracted and intrigued by the conceptual trends of Viable System Approach and more generally of systems thinking.

Memorandum and articles of the Association
It seems an easy meal to make but it actually has its trick to make the meat juicy and rich
The only adjustment you should make to your dinners to lose weight fastThe only adjustment you should make to your dinners to lose weight fast
The only adjustment you should make to your dinners to lose weight fast
You will think that it does not have much secret: choose a good meat, turn on the grill or the pan, put oil, add salt, round and round and that's it. But no, reader. To make it especially rich and juicy, we must follow the correct instructions and avoid mistakes made by beginners.
The mistake you make when making a grilled steak
Chef Anthony Bourdain, known all over the world, has revealed in his book ' Appetites ' (ed. Hardcover) the biggest mistake we make when making a steak: take out the piece of meat, cut it and check if it is done.
"The biggest mistake, which everyone makes, is the continuous checking to see if it is done indoors; people take it off the grill and cut it," explains the cook.
The biggest mistake, that everyone makes, is the continuous checking to see if it is done indoors; people take it off the grill and cut it up
This is a total failure, since we prevent the steak from being well done: "Inside the piece of meat, a recirculation of juices is forming. If this process is cut immediately, the inside will be raw."
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If we cut it or press the fillet against the pan, we will be interrupting the cooking process. So everyone be quiet.
Other mistakes we make when making a steak
This is not, unfortunately, the only mistake we make when cooking a steak. We tell you the four most common:
1) set the heat too high
Another big mistake we make is setting the fire too high. Bourdain asserts that we have to make the steak at a medium temperature, so that the meat is done well both inside and out.
Another big mistake we make is setting the fire too high
2) Throw in the steak too early
If the meat tends to stick to the pan, it is because you add it too soon. You should put the steak on the griddle or skillet only when they are preheated.
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You should heat the iron until the oil shines, but not so much that smoke comes out. To check if the oil is hot enough, take a wooden spoon or spatula and touch it to the fat. If you see bubbles forming around the utensil, it is time.
3) Add salt to raw meat
You should not add salt to raw meat. You can add it when you turn the fillet for the first time or when the piece is already plated.
You have to let the meat rest for at least three minutes before serving it, so that the juices give flavor to the steak
4) Do not let the meat rest
You should let the meat rest for at least three minutes before serving, so that the juices finish flavoring the steak. And, most importantly, you shouldn't cut or chop the steak within five to ten minutes of cooking it, as you run the risk of it coming out dry as a result of letting the juices out.
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