





The ASVSA Association for research on Viable Systems was created with the aim of disseminating the results of research and stimulate the interest and participation of an increasing number of researchers attracted and intrigued by the conceptual trends of Viable System Approach and more generally of systems thinking.

Memorandum and articles of the Association
Vitamin D is essential in the body, since it helps us absorb other vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron and phosphorus, in addition to maintaining health in optimal conditions.
The deficiency of vitamin D can cause, among other problems, osteoporosis and rickets. In addition to muscular discomfort, depression or insomnia.
Of all the ways to obtain vitamin D, the best is through the sun and it is stored in fatty tissue, only 10 to 15 minutes in the sun would give you the recommended daily dose of vitamin D you need. The places on the body that you could leave exposed to the sun without sunscreen, only during these minutes, are:
• Limbs.
• Face.
• The legs.
• The back.
Among the functions of vitamin D are:
• Maintain the immune system in good condition, as it defends the body from pathogens.
• Keeping the nervous system in good condition, since together with vitamins such as phosphorus and calcium it facilitates muscle contractions and the transmission of the nerve impulse.
• Finally, it is vital to get calcium to the bones and teeth.
How to add vitamin D to your diet naturally?
The foods that naturally contain vitamin D are the following:
Fish is rich in vitamin D, especially those that are preserved in oil. There is also more vitamin D, in fatty cuts of fish and in raw fish, such as sushi.
These are rich in vitamin D, B12, and protein. Ideal for a healthy, nutritious diet rich in vitamin D. In this case, vitamin D is present in the yolk of the egg.
Lightly cooked they provide a great supply of vitamin D to the body, in addition to vitamins such as B12 and copper.
Fortified foods:
Fortified foods are those to which certain vitamins are added by manipulating them. These are the fortified foods that contain vitamin D:
Tofu and soy milk:
Foods that come from soy are generally fortified with vitamin D, and they are also ideal for people with intestinal or colon problems.
Fortified cereals:
Breakfast cereals are generally fortified with vitamin D, although not all, for this reason it is necessary to read product labels. These cereals with dairy or soy milk will provide a lot of vitamin D to your body.
Our lungs are prone to several infections caused due to increasing levels of pollution, seasonal changes, chemical exposure or deadly viruses. In fact, according to statistics around 4 million people die succumbing to respiratory ailments. Even in the context of coronar virus, it affects the respiratory system in such a way that most deaths caused around the world have been due to respiratory problems caused by this life-threatening virus.
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