





The ASVSA Association for research on Viable Systems was created with the aim of disseminating the results of research and stimulate the interest and participation of an increasing number of researchers attracted and intrigued by the conceptual trends of Viable System Approach and more generally of systems thinking.

Memorandum and articles of the Association
There are certain things that you tend to do wrong and that boycott your diet, and that is why you gain weight instead of losing weight
If you are trying to lose weight, you have to watch almost more when you eat than what or how much. The hours of intakes are key when it comes to losing weight, because it is not the same to put a thousand calories in the body in the morning than to do it at night. As the day progresses, your metabolism slows down, causing you to burn less and, consequently, have a better chance of converting the extra calories into reserves (fat).
Therefore, when it comes to losing weight, it is essential to take care of dinners. Here we tell you the seven mistakes that you usually make with the last meals of the day and that prevent you from losing weight:
1) Dinners too late
You have to watch what you eat, especially from 7:00 p.m. A light snack and dinner is all you need to lose a few grams without trying too hard and hardly noticing.
To give you an idea, your last intake should be at 7 in the afternoon. Yes, it is a bit early, but if you want to lose weight this is what it is.
2) You eat too much protein
Be careful, proteins are good for losing weight, as long as you don't overdo it. If your goal is to build muscle and burn fat, then you need to stop bulging up protein at night. It is better that they are present at lunch and snack - hours when you generally do more physical activity - than at your dinners.
"Although your muscles are not going to suffer too much if you take them before bed, you will notice it in your energy levels and in the thickness of your waist," explains nutritionist Rania Batayneh in 'Women's Health'.
That is, it is much better to have a chicken or fish fillet, accompanied by vegetables, than three or four fillets.
3) dessert
You come home tired and you've been eating 'light' all day. And, of course, there is that very appetizing glass of chocolate and you think you deserve it as a prize. Well no: you would be ruining all the effort of the day for just 10 minutes of pleasure.
If you are one of those who cannot do without candy, opt for an infusion or an ounce of dark chocolate.
4) Too many simple carbohydrates
There are foods that are healthy but are not good for the figure. And among them, simple carbohydrates stand out, which increase the level of glucose in the blood, causing your body to secrete insulin and, therefore, preventing fatty acids from leaving the fat cells. Come on, you get fat.
In general, and especially at dinner, no bread, pasta, white rice, cereals, potatoes or corn.
The carbohydrates that you can consume, due to their low glycemic index, are legumes, brown rice, oats and, above all, vegetables.
5) dining too much
It is useless if you take care of yourself all day if night comes and you have a feast. If you are very hungry at night, your thing would be to have a snack in the middle of the afternoon, to arrive at dinner with less desire. Remember that everything you eat at night will be decisive for your weight loss plan.
6) Distractions
Eating dinner while you watch television or are with your mobile will lead you to eat more and worse. When you're not paying attention to what you're consuming, you're less likely to feel full. Numerous studies have shown that people who eat while distracted tend to be less aware of how much they eat during that time, leading to overeating and hunger after a while.
7) Stress or anxiety
This is one of the biggest problems when it comes to losing weight. The stress and anxiety can take away your appetite or abrírnoslo. Those who experience the latter have a really bad time at dinner, because they come home tired from the whole day and 'need' to eat (usually unhealthy things) to feel less bad.
If this is your problem, we recommend that you calm down before sitting down at the table. Take a walk, exercise, drink water ... You never sit down to dinner with high anxiety, because you will end up devouring healthy food in seconds and you will go for the 'forbidden'.
You must resist and not indulge yourself at dinner, because if you cannot control it, you will end up bingeing and you could even develop an eating disorder. If you think you have anxiety problems related to food, obviously, you have to go to the doctor.
And this is it, reader. Cheer up!
If you have trouble sleeping
If, in addition to losing weight, you want to sleep well because it costs you, you should make a dinner made up of foods rich in protein with tryptophan, since it is converted into melatonin when it is processed by the body, which will help you fall asleep. This amino acid is contained in nuts, white meat, fish, and eggs.
Undiagnosed or untreated type 1 diabetes can cause weight loss. Glucose builds up in the bloodstream if insulin isn't available to move it into the body's cells. When glucose levels become high, the kidneys work to get rid of unused sugar through urine (pee). This causes weight loss due to dehydration and loss of calories from the sugar that wasn't used as energy.
Gluconite Supplement
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