





The ASVSA Association for research on Viable Systems was created with the aim of disseminating the results of research and stimulate the interest and participation of an increasing number of researchers attracted and intrigued by the conceptual trends of Viable System Approach and more generally of systems thinking.

Memorandum and articles of the Association
You have probably heard of coconut oil and the many benefits it offers. Now, you will know some things that perhaps you did not know about coconut water and that make them a great advantage when choosing it for consumption regularly.
A curious fact about this product is that it has a structure compatible with the blood plasma in the human bloodstream. Coconut water was used in armed conflicts in the past as a blood replacement and many lives were saved in long and gruelling battles.
Today, this water is used all over the world. You can find it in numerous markets that offer the opportunity to use the beneficial benefits of this incredible fruit. Some may not like coconut water and that is why they lose its benefits, but in reality, it has an exotic flavor that really suits many palates and above all, it leaves a feeling of satiety with respect to thirst
Simply knowing about all its properties of one of the detoxification waters in the world will make you start making it part of your healthy drinks.
What happens in your body when you drink coconut water?
Learn more about the properties of coconut and how you can take advantage of them in a drink that is also very tasty and that you can include in any diet.
Strengthen your immune system
When you consume coconut water, you strengthen your immune system and kill bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, gum disease, and viruses that cause infectious diseases, flu, and typhus.
Clean urinary tract
Not only will it increase your energy, but it will also increase the production of hormones from the thyroid gland. This water is also very good for people suffering from kidney diseases, as it reacts like a natural diuretic. The urinary tract and bladder canals will be cleaned. It will flush out toxins from the body and remove kidney stones.
Drinking coconut water is excellent for digestion
Coconut water is good for digestion due to the high level of fiber it contains. If you drink coconut water regularly, it will eliminate gastric acid. It can be drunk in large quantities as it has low levels of fat. You will lose weight, thanks to the ability of water to keep you satiated and meanwhile your appetite is decreased.
Ideal for treating acne
If you have acne, oily or dry skin, all you need to do is soak a cotton ball in the coconut water and apply it to your skin. It will act as a 100% natural tonic for the skin. This will cleanse and refresh your skin, and most importantly, it will keep your pores open.
Cleanses intestinal parasites
If you mix coconut water with olive oil, you can cleanse your body. This mixture can eliminate intestinal parasites.
Ideal during pregnancy
According to experts, you can solve various health problems during pregnancy with the help of coconut water. Drink a cup of coconut water every morning and you will normalize the electrolytes whose imbalance can lead to hypertension, also known as high blood pressure.
An excellent hangover aids
If you drink alcohol at night, you will likely have a headache in the morning. So, the next time you go overboard with alcohol (preferably not), you will remember this "savior" if you want to get rid of the headache. In addition, it will also compensate for the lost fluids and you will overcome the nausea that is often related to a hangover.
Energy and hydration
If you want your skin to be hydrated and radiant throughout the day, a cup of coconut water will suffice. Also, after various strenuous physical activities, you can drink coconut water and you will regain energy. It will refresh you and leave a positive influence on every part of the body.
In short, drinking coconut water offers increased energy, a strong immune system, protects against bacteria and infections, and is very supportive in weight loss diets, what more could you ask for?
If you're looking to lose fat, don't make huge calorie cuts. This will kick your body into starvation mode, reducing your metabolism and making it more difficult to burn off the fat. To prevent this metabolic slowdown and allow your body to burn fat at an optimal rate, make smaller calorie reductions every week or two.
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