





The ASVSA Association for research on Viable Systems was created with the aim of disseminating the results of research and stimulate the interest and participation of an increasing number of researchers attracted and intrigued by the conceptual trends of Viable System Approach and more generally of systems thinking.

Memorandum and articles of the Association

Can Lemon remove stretch marks?

Hot water can further damage skin with stretch marks. Maybe you should not resort to lasers. E n the most common is women who stretch marks occur in the womb, usually after pregnancy because the skin is stretched and cracks or as to the men, weight gain or loss. Other areas where stretch marks can appear are the buttocks, breasts or legs.
How to reduce stretch marks on the belly?
Those red and white lines are unsightly and can be avoided with frequent use of moisturizers, massages, and maintaining a proper weight. However, and according to the degree of pronouncing that stretch marks have, some home treatments can be applied to attenuate them or undergo laser treatments to eradicate them.
Some recommended home treatments to reduce or disappear stretch marks can be used directly at home, without having to wait for anyone, and with many of them the results can be quick, although this depends on the type of skin, the amount of stretch marks, and the depth from the same.
Rosehip and almond oil
Rosehip helps to remove damaged tissues and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The oil should be applied overnight with circular movements as a massage. The almond oil is moisturizing and skin regenerator. Both can be applied daily after showering.
Snail slime
It is perfect for regenerating damaged skin and removing dead cells. It can be obtained in the form of commercial creams with its proper indications.
Horse tail
Contains silicon, a very effective natural regenerator against stretch marks. You can macerate 100 grams of horsetail in a liter of 40 ° alcohol for a month, along with 10 drops of lemon. After this time, the mixture is diluted in half a liter of water. The preparation is used to massage the affected area in a circular motion at least twice a day.
Carrot paste
Makes a puree with a carrot cooked in steam. This puree should be applied to the belly on the stretch marks, leaving it to act for half an hour. Rinse with cold water.
In the case of white stretch marks, not so marked, you can use the peels of five beets, five peaches and the heart of a carrot, blend until they form a paste and apply on the stretch marks.
Avocado cream with aloe vera
Using half an avocado, a leaf of aloe or aloe vera and a teaspoon of olive oil, a mixture is obtained in the blender with which to perform circular massages on the affected area, leaving it to act for twenty minutes. Remove with cold water.
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