





The ASVSA Association for research on Viable Systems was created with the aim of disseminating the results of research and stimulate the interest and participation of an increasing number of researchers attracted and intrigued by the conceptual trends of Viable System Approach and more generally of systems thinking.

Memorandum and articles of the Association
Both types of eggs, organic or industrial, are eggs that contain protein, very necessary for our body, and that are part of the diet of many today because they are a staple food, but each has different characteristics in very important aspects for our health.
Why the organic egg is better than the industrial egg?
In rural life we find what many people call " happy hen " or free-range hen. It is a hen that produces organic eggs. If you've already done your research on organic food, you will know what we mean by this word. If one day you have the opportunity to visit a small town, you will get to know it. A "happy hen" runs happily around the corral of the house, runs away from other animals, and bites and eats fresh food, breathes fresh air and freedom, lives with others in open space, has the opportunity to raise her chicks, and interact with males of the same species.
The other character is the " industrial chicken ", the one that produces industrial egg. It is one whose life has been dedicated to laying in small and reduced cages, it is fed with food designed in the laboratory to make a better egg and in greater quantity. There, she is sad and desolate, sad and condemned with hundreds of them in a confined space, some colleagues die exhausted by heat and stress, she is the producer of the "industrial egg".
Of these two characters, which one would you choose to eat their eggs?
The eggs of the free-range hen are known in the market as "organic eggs" because the care and feeding of the animal is done in natural and open spaces , the laying periods are respected, nature indicates that the hens must lay a single egg a day, at dawn naturally the hen waiting for the sunrise, will begin its work, it will be a splendid egg with all the nutrients and elements that an egg must provide, because nobody is interested in filling it with hormones and controlling sunlight , so that his already worn body lays 6 or 7 eggs. With the components that in the field only gives you to put one.
Also, the free-range hen that lays organic eggs is fed with natural foods, no powder formulations packed with chemicals, antibiotics and hormones , they will eat corn, legumes and chop dirt, what is the difference of this translated into food capacity From the egg ?, Well from heaven to earth, if you have the opportunity to open and cook an organic egg, the first thing you will notice will be that its yellow is more intense, its smell is a pleasant, fresh smell, and it is absolutely more yielding compared to industrial eggs.
Losing hair normally doesn’t have much effect on your appearance or warmth, as your head has plenty more to make up for the daily loss. But there may be a more significant reason for your hair loss when you start seeing your scalp or bald spots. When you think of hair loss, you may think of the genetic factors, such as male pattern baldness. Hormones, thyroid problems, and other diseases can all cause hair loss too.
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