





The ASVSA Association for research on Viable Systems was created with the aim of disseminating the results of research and stimulate the interest and participation of an increasing number of researchers attracted and intrigued by the conceptual trends of Viable System Approach and more generally of systems thinking.

Memorandum and articles of the Association
That's why the global launch of Lineage 2M will be difficult for Lineage 2M Diamonds the business. It is necessary to involve a high-value audience, without the possibility of crossing-overs from other projects.

It is obvious that the company plans to purchase traffic and work alongside local companies (for instance, in Russia and in the CIS, Innova will act as a regional publication ). However, this does not remove the need for other ways to attract customers.

One possible solution could be a new NCSOFT action, focused on the primary audience of Lineage 2. Lineage 2, which has been operating officially in Russia from the beginning of 2008 (since the moment when we registered in the game, we have exceeded the threshold of 6 million).

The main reason for the promotion is its ability to transfer clan names and usernames for Lineage 2M. Unfortunately, there is no need to transfer progress or status, and in the end, as an example, this was the fact that there was synch of mobile and web versions in 2012 that brought the biggest promotion Candy Crush Saga .

A different way to attract attention could be a strategy to present buy Lineage 2M Diamonds as a cross-platform game, however, it is not. NCSOFT has its own BlueStacks version, which is named PURPLE . And through onboding users in Lineage 2M through an emulator (rather complicated because of the funnel.The company will see an increase in downloads.
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