





The ASVSA Association for research on Viable Systems was created with the aim of disseminating the results of research and stimulate the interest and participation of an increasing number of researchers attracted and intrigued by the conceptual trends of Viable System Approach and more generally of systems thinking.

Memorandum and articles of the Association
Muscle is a body tissue that has the ability to develop. If you use it regularly, the muscle size remains stable and functions well. However, if not used for a long time, the muscles can shrink.

The condition of the muscles being small is known as muscle atrophy or muscle atrophy. One of the causes of muscle wasting is a lack of physical activity. This can be the result of an illness or injury.

Symptoms of muscle wasting depends on the severity of the loss of muscle mass. In the early stages, the loss of muscle mass does not show significant symptoms. However, as mass decreases, muscle strength also decreases.

Muscle atrophy, among others, has symptoms in the form of:

Decreased muscle strength. Patients will usually complain of a decrease in hand strength when lifting objects or holding objects in their hands.
Unable to perform general physical activities. In leg muscle wasting, a person may have difficulty walking and supporting his body.
Decreased muscle size.

Muscle shrinkage can occur for a variety of reasons. The causes of muscle loss are usually fairly obvious. In certain cases, the doctor may need to perform additional tests to confirm the diagnosis. Not all muscle wasting is related to a lack of muscle use.

Here are some causes of muscle wasting.

Muscles are not active for a long time

Prolonged inactivity, such as bed rest, can lead to loss of muscle mass. Bed rest may be necessary because of an injury or illness that makes a person unable to move. According to research, muscle wasting can occur within 10 days of a person resting in bed.


People with malnutrition have inadequate nutritional intake to support muscle building. Poor muscle building can cause you to lose muscle mass. So you also need Healthguideblog to fix it.


Muscle loss occurs gradually with age, especially after age 50. People belonging to the elderly group are also susceptible to various diseases that cause them to fall, or to experience diseases that require them to rest. This can lead to further loss of muscle mass.

Diseases that attack muscles and nerves

Certain diseases can also cause problems in your muscles. One of the diseases that can cause a decrease in muscle mass is Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This disease affects nerve cells throughout the body. Normally, nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord send messages to muscles to move.

In people with ALS, the nerve cells that control movement are damaged and are unable to send signals that allow movement. Eventually, due to lack of use, the muscles will stop growing and become small.

Therefore, do not let the muscles shrink! If you don't have health problems that require you to rest completely, train your muscle strength regularly with regular exercise and physical activity. You can try weight training which can help increase muscle mass. Come on, keep muscle mass by doing an active lifestyle.
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