





The ASVSA Association for research on Viable Systems was created with the aim of disseminating the results of research and stimulate the interest and participation of an increasing number of researchers attracted and intrigued by the conceptual trends of Viable System Approach and more generally of systems thinking.

Memorandum and articles of the Association
If you're looking for the most disregarded stats, it's usually Defence but it is not needed for PVP. The higher the defense level, the lower the likelihood of OSRS Gold landing an attack that is successful. But it doesn't diminish the amount of damage you're able to inflict.

This skill is also responsible for your capacity to wear protective equipment. You'll be unable to wear a high-quality armour or helmet if it doesn't meet the Defence level requirement. It is the most crucial aspect as better equipment will minimize the amount that you sustain.

So why is Defence less crucial than ability to deal with damage? It is because, besides the defence skill, you have the Hit Points attribute that determines how much health you have. If your health points are very high they could allow you to last much even with the beginning level of your Defence skills. With a decent level in the primary combat stat (either Attack, Magic, or Ranged) it is likely that you will be able finish your opponent prior to him finishing you.

Another stat that is often decreased is Prayer. Reaching the 99 level isn't more important than other skills since you'll get the most effective prayers at Level 43 - Protect from Melee The Protect from Ranged and Protect From Magic.

Prayers like these can decrease the amount of RuneScape 2007 Gold damage sustained when fighting Player vs. Player by 40 percent and that means they are essential for everyone wanting to participate in this kind of battle. If you want to get an increase in damage output should unlock Chivalry or Piety, and Augury prayers that require 60,70, 774 and 77 levels and 77 levels, respectively.
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