





The ASVSA Association for research on Viable Systems was created with the aim of disseminating the results of research and stimulate the interest and participation of an increasing number of researchers attracted and intrigued by the conceptual trends of Viable System Approach and more generally of systems thinking.

Memorandum and articles of the Association

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Aid your memory by organizing facts into topic sets. Create outlines of study materials that are based on similar topics rather than when you originally learned that fact. Your brain remembers things better if they go together. By grouping similar Awaken Gold reviews concepts and topics together, you increase your chances of remembering those items later.

Use mnemonic devices to improve your memory. A mnemonic device is any rhyme, joke, song, or phrase that triggers memory of another fact, such as the abbreviation Roy G Biv, which tells you the colors of the spectrum. The best mnemonic devices are those which use humor or positive imagery, as you will have an easier time remembering them.

Here's a surprising fact about the relationship between memory and alcohol- moderate drinking can actually improve memory and prevent Alzheimer's! Studies have shown that moderate drinking (defined as drinking two glasses of wine or less per day) can improve cognitive function overall and helps the drinkers score better on memory tests.

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Try to use all five of your sense when trying to remember things. By using as many of your senses that the situation calls for, you will have a better time remembering it. If it is a location you are trying to remember, picture the way it smelled and the sounds associated with the area.

Listen to classical music to make your memory work harder. Music which causes you to relax your mind and body might also help improve your memory. Take a bath, or do something you enjoy while listening to this music.

Stress will contribute to your struggles with remembering things. If you are trying to learn new information, you should be in a relaxed environment. Do not get upset or frustrated: leave yourself enough time to remember.

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Memory can be defined as simply a person's ability to store, retain and recall information such as personal experiences. Of course, memory may be easy to understand but it's not exactly easy to remember everything. Some people have trouble with memory, and the tips in this article below can help you remember.

Play games that were designed for challenging your brain. These offer a fun way you can improve your memory. This would be equivalent to your exercising in order to keep the muscles in shape. By exercising the brain, it gets stronger. This The Honey Phenomenon reviews improves your focus, concentration, and memory. Some great games for your brain are brain teasers, crossword puzzles, and word searches.

In order to have a better memory, you will want to have different interests, and try new things. This will keep your mind sharp and open for new memories. In addition, these new neurons will connect to existing neurons, which will then give you a new approach as to how to look at something.

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If you want to have a better long-term memory, then you need to get in the practice of regular stretching and other exercise. These exercises keep the brain's arteries open, and this is important because the brain is responsible for 15 percent of your body's blood flow. Stretching also increases energy, flexibility and relaxation, which all help towards improved long-term memory as well.

Organize the information you're trying to study. Studies have shown that your brain memory loss stores similar information in the same spot. So to maximize your studying effort, you want to try and group similar things together when you're studying. Using an outline to group subjects or sub-topics together can be beneficial in the long run.

When trying to memorize new information, take the time and effort to think about how this unfamiliar material relates to something that you already know and understand. By finding a relationship between new concepts and previously learned material, you will increase the likelihood of committing the new information to memory.

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